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Film clip: suburban plans

Video file

Film clip: suburban plans of the future

Still shots and transcript

film clip film clip film clip

Self-contained communities are being built on the outskirts of our cities. This project at Trentham is designed so that the houses will surround a park in which will be sports grounds and schools and shops and theatres. Paths will link them altogether – where the path meets the road there will be an overbridge. When the children go to school or we go shopping we won't be dodging cars and in our shopping areas we will find a series of courts free of traffic, planned to group shops and offices and recreation. Our quiet streets will be close to the city through fast transport systems, but we will live with space about us and order and room for the sun to get in.

How to cite this page

Film clip: suburban plans, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated