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NZ Memorial in Korea


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This memorial commemorates New Zealand’s contribution during the Korean War. It is located in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery Korea in Busan, where most of the New Zealanders who died in the conflict are buried. Prime Minister Helen Clark unveiled the memorial on 19 November 2005 while visiting Korea for an APEC meeting. The ceremony was attended by 17 New Zealand Korean War veterans and other distinguished guests.

Around 6000 New Zealanders served with the United Nations’ forces in the Korean War and its aftermath (1950-57). The memorial is dedicated to those who served, and commemorates the 45 who died, 34 of whom are buried in the cemetery; two naval personnel with no known grave are also commemorated there.

How to cite this page

NZ Memorial in Korea, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated