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Otahuhu College memorial swimming pool


On 21 November 1952 Minister of Education Ronald Algie formally opened the Otahuhu College Second World War memorial swimming baths. The school had originally planned to erect memorial gates at its Mangere Road entrance which would access an avenue leading to its playing fields, and in 1948 had commissioned the well-known architect Richard Toy to draw up plans. However, this scheme was later abandoned, and much more modest memorial gates were built at the entrance to the swimming pool instead. The names of 50 old boys of the school who had died during the war were listed on the pillars. Although not officially a war memorial, the school’s main playing field is still known as 'The Memorial Field'. 

The swimming pool gates originally had three pillars, the central pillar featuring a carving of a kotuku (the school’s symbol). These were recently replaced with two plainer concrete pillars. 

A roll of honour is also displayed in the school’s main lobby. This lists the names of 58 old boys, including one who died in Korea (P.R. Berry). 

Sources: 'Otahuhu College War Memorial Gates', Home & Building, vol. 11, no. 6, June-July 1949, p. 34; 'The Swimming Pool is Begun', Kotuku, vol. 15, November 1951, [p. 47]; 'Swimming Pool', Kotuku, vol. 16, November 1952, [pp. 28-9]; '15,000 [pounds] Christmas Gift to Education: Parents and Boys "Dig in" to Build Otahuhu College Baths', NZ Herald, 22/11/1952, p. 10; Otahuhu College: Silver Jubilee Record, 1931-1956, ed. M.A. Roberts, Otahuhu, 1956, pp. 28-9, 42-4; Otahuhu College, 1931-1991, Otahuhu, 1991, pp. 26-7; Otahuhu College, 1931-2006: 75th Anniversary, Auckland, 2006, pp. 11, 16, 19.


Images and text: Bruce Ringer, 2019

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Otahuhu College memorial swimming pool, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated