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Labour Party TV commercial, 1969

This 1969 advertisement for the Labour Party emphasised the leadership qualities of Norman Kirk and sought to capitalise on a public mood for change as that turbulent decade drew to a close. It screened in full colour in cinemas and in black-and-white on television (colour TV wasn't introduced until 1973). Its striking split-screen imagery and pop-styled theme song were clearly aimed at younger voters, a potentially important audience in an election when the voting age was lowered from 21 to 20 (it would be reduced further, to 18, in 1974). It was not enough, however, to oust Keith Holyoake's National government, which had ruled for the previous nine years.


Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Reference C1600. Make things happen, TVC, 1969. Courtesy of the Labour Party.

Not to be reused without permission.

How to cite this page

Labour Party TV commercial, 1969, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated