Historical concepts

Historical concepts allow students to think historically as they provide a structure that shapes the practice of history.

What is history?

What is history?

Using diagrams and metaphors to support the teaching of history concepts. more...

Wāhi: place-based education

Wāhi: place-based education

Place-based education can help students understand and connect with the places they inhabit. more...

Historical significance: Tales of significance

Historical significance: Tales of significance

Teach historical significance by telling tales of significance. This activity utilises Christine Counsell’s 5 R’s of significance. more...

Change and continuity: Analysis

Change and continuity: Analysis

This resource includes activities that help students develop their understanding about the relationship between change and continuity. more...

Cause and consequence: Quote bank

Cause and consequence: Quote bank

A selection of quotes to support students prepare for the 3.5 Achievement Standard. more...

Cause and consequence: Analysis

Cause and consequence: Analysis

The causes and consequences of historical events are of primary interest for historians, and this relationship is an important part of the history curriculum. more...

Historical empathy

Historical empathy

Historical empathy is the concept that history can humanise us and bring us together. If this is true then how can you teach it? more...