
Page 8 – Further information

This web feature was written by Simon Nathan and produced by the team.

Assistance and advice on the text and illustrations is gratefully acknowledged from Jim Gardner, Tony Hurst, Paul Mahoney, Graeme McClare, Malcolm McKinnon, Judith Nathan and Len Richardson.


Books and print media

  • D.I. Harmon, Yesterdays of Seddonville, 1873-1975, Buller Printing, Westport, 1976 
  • S. Nathan, W.L. Leask & A.M. Sherwood, 'Coal resources of the north Buller sector, Buller Coalfield', New Zealand Geological Survey client report 90/27, 1990
  • Tom Moynihan, 'The future of hydraulic coal mining', Proceedings of the mining and quarrying conference, Paper 70, University of Otago, Dunedin, 1956
How to cite this page

'Further information', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012