Greymouth war memorial

Greymouth war memorial

Greymouth war memorial in the mid-1980s.

Greymouth war memorial Greymouth war memorial Greymouth war memorial

Greymouth memorial in 2008.

Names and inscriptions

Details showing the lists of names and other inscriptions on the Greymouth memorial. 

Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription Greymouth war memorial inscription

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
Intersection Cenotaph Classical frieze,

Community contributions

1 comment has been posted about Greymouth war memorial

What do you know?

Anony sean O'Dwyer.mous

Posted: 27 Feb 2023

looking for the men who were shot in italy- 1943-1945. Especiaaly interested iff shot and killed on 15-3 - 1944 or 15-3-1945.