Wakefield war memorial

Wakefield war memorial

Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial Wakefield war memorial

Wakefield war memorial

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
Sports ground Soldier at attention Wreath, fern leaf    34

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What do you know?

Noel Woolf Trs Richmond-Waimea RSA

Posted: 08 Nov 2011

The Richmond-Waimea RSA has been checking the Memorial sights and have taken some more photo's that you might like to use to update your sights.There are now two flagpoles at Richmond and Wakefield so the New Zealand and Australian flags can be flowen.We have also taken photo's of a Roll of Honour at Spring Grove outside the school and Drill Hall, some of the names on this memorial also appear on both Brightwater and Wakefield memorials. Will send photo's by seperate e/mail.