Sound: Aunt Daisy's beetroot chutney recipe

Hear Aunt Daisy give her Beetroot Chutney recipe in this recording from a Radio ZB morning show in February, 1950.

She starts the show with her characteristic 'Good morning everybody...' then talks about the value of marriage.  She also discusses how people can keen in touch via the 'Daisy chain'. The beetroot chutney recipe iteself starts about 2:35 into the audio. The end of the clip discusses the value of Aulsebrook's biscuits.

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What do you know?

Kuini Pugh

Posted: 12 Jul 2009

Wow!!! This is awesome, just finished listening to Aunt Daisy which is way before my time. Looking for a Beetroot Chutney for my mother in law, which i hope she likes when I see her tomorrow. So THANKS, and will visit again real soon for more old school recipes which are no. 1 to me.